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Mystery Mini Bouquet

Mystery Mini Bouquet


Mystery Mini Bouquet


A bespoke dried mini bouquet custom made in the In Flower Studio

Each one is made from extra stems that we have left over as a way to limit our waste because of this we cannot take custom requests. 


However you may specify if you prefer something more colorful, more natural or mix in the notes section of your order and we will do our best to fulfill that request. If there is no note we will pick one at random to send. 


What is pictures are just examples of size and the colors that may be used. 


Approximately 12' in height and 5" in width give or take.


Flowers last up to a year or more with proper care. 


    All sales final.


    Please allow 3-14 days before you recieve a shipping notification.

    Local delivery available to Sioux Falls, SD & surrounding areas. Select local delivery at checkout.

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